Monday, December 8, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

It's finals week!
I'm two down and have two more to go. I have no idea how to study for my Articulation final. None at all. I will stare blankly at my notes and pray for knowledge, in the proud tradition of students everywhere during finals week. Posting grades online has made doing the, "How badly can I mess up and still pass?" ritual calculations even easier, and the atmosphere around the clinic has the familiar twang of stress to it. However, there is an additional twang of anticipation; only two more finals, and then we are done for a month! My apartment will be clean again! :D
Good wishes and prayers are much appreciated. Around 8pm on Thursday, I'll be done with my first semester of graduate school!


Anonymous said...

Will send some prayers your way. I am sure you will do fine. Breathe! you can do it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck :)

CC said...

Good luck!!!!!

Remember, bilabials: p, b, w, m!!

little.birdy said...

CC: The bilabials are the easiest part! ;)
Only one more to go!

jen said...

i hope all (including the articulation) went wonderfully.

and yes ... then a month.

remember once you are in the schools?? it's only two weeks. enjoy it now.

little.birdy said...

Jen: ACK! You're right! But at least I get summers off...right now I'm going to school straight through the year.